Friendly and gentle dentistry for children in Canterbury


We are a family dental practice and enjoy getting to know everyone in the family. At A1 Dental, we understand that getting your kids to the dentist can sometimes be very stressful and we take every possible step to alleviate as much of this strain as possible.
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We understand the importance of having the same dentist for the whole family and, as a result of this, we offer NHS dentistry to all children. Our dentists are very experienced at working with children and take their dental education very seriously. We try to teach them a thing or two about dental hygiene, in the hope that we will need to see them only on scheduled visits.


Studies have shown that the younger you bring your child to the dentist for check-ups, the more likely they are to have a fun, positive experience that stays with them as they grow up. At A1 Dental, we believe you’re never too young to come to the dentist – and we encourage all parents to bring their babies to see us as soon as the first teeth appear, or by the age of one regardless.
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Children’s check-ups are free until the age of 18 – and the more regularly your child comes to see us, the more likely we are to spot and eliminate problems before they become serious. As well as looking out for signs of tooth decay and gum disease, we’ll monitor your child’s bite and their growing jaw, which can help mitigate against complex orthodontic treatment further down the line.


Fluoride plays a key role in your child’s oral health: too little, and they will run the risk of developing cavities; too much, and they might develop fluorosis – white chalky spots on the enamel.
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At A1 Dental, our team will recommend the right amount of fluoride for your child, and schedule a regular application of a small amount of dental fluoride varnish, to help slow and prevent tooth decay. This is a very quick and simple procedure, which involves a gel being painted onto your child’s teeth using a soft brush. The gel has a fruity taste which temporarily colours the teeth for up to 3 days, before it gradually wears off.


Designed to help protect your child’s chewing teeth, dental sealant is a proven and recommended treatment that reaches areas of the teeth the toothbrush sometimes misses. Typically clear or white in colour, dental sealant is painted onto the back teeth, creating a smoother surface to help prevent food from getting trapped.
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Dental sealant usually lasts between three and five years and will ultimately help prevent cavities from forming. At A1 Dental, we will thoroughly assess your child’s mouth to decide if dental sealant is suitable, or to check existing sealants are intact. Most children receive their first set of dental sealants at around the age of six or seven, with replacements provided at 12 or 13.

When should I start teaching my child to brush their teeth?

As soon as those milk teeth come through! Even babies can start getting used to the idea of brushing, and the earlier you give them a toothbrush, the more likely they are to comply with oral hygiene in the future. As more teeth come through, brush regularly and then encourage them to attempt their own brushing while you supervise. From birth to 3 years, use a flat smear of adult toothpaste with 1000ppm (parts per million) of fluoride in it. After the age of 3, a small pea-sized amount can be used.. Children learn good habits from watching what happens in the home, and you can set a good example by brushing and flossing your own teeth twice a day.

Is it ok to give my child a dummy?

Sucking is a natural reflex in a young child and a dummy may be a useful aide to help soothe your baby. The important thing is never to dip the dummy in anything sweet and never use a dummy that has juice in it.

When should my child stop sucking their thumb?

If your child reaches the age of 5 and still sucks their thumb or fingers habitually, it may be time to start gently discouraging them, as this is the age when intensive sucking can cause speech or orthodontic problems. Your dentist should be able to advise you on the best course of action.