If you are experiencing unusual or excessive bleeding, trauma or swelling, seek help immediately.during opening hours
Call us on 01227 765 851 and we will do everything we can to see you as soon as possible.
out of hours
Call the NHS – their 111 service is staffed by experienced advisers and healthcare professionals who will be able to direct you towards the best course of action. This could be an emergency dentist, a late-night pharmacy, a walk-in centre or even A&E.
non-emergency urgent appointments
Common urgent problems include toothache, lost fillings or crowns and denture problems. Please phone us as early as possible on the day for availability and we will do our best to make sure you are seen as soon as we can.
urgent appointments - non-registered patients
Our ability to offer emergency treatment for non-registered patients will depend on the level of demand from registered patients, who will always be given priority. We make no guarantee that a non-registered patient will be given an appointment. A private charge will apply for this service.
What should I do if I broke my tooth?
If you have suffered an accidental injury and part of your tooth or crown has been cracked or broken, contact us immediately for an emergency appointment. In the meantime, rinsing your mouth with warm water may help relieve the pain. You can also use a cold compress to reduce any swelling.What should I do if one of my teeth was knocked out?
If your tooth has been knocked out, there is a chance that we can save it and there are things that you can do to help preserve the tooth. If it is completely out and you still have it, gently lift it up by its crown and give it a gentle rinse. If you can, put the tooth back in the empty socket. If this isn’t possible, put the tooth into a container with some milk, or carry the tooth inside your mouth against your cheek until you get to the dentist.What should I do if I have a toothache?
There are a number of possible causes of toothache, but it is usually due to an infection. If your toothache has become worse over time, use warm water to rinse your mouth. You may also choose to gently floss to remove any food that might cause infection. Over-the-counter painkillers can sometimes lessen the pain of sore teeth and gums, but do not rely on them for too long, as they allow more time for the infection to spread. We recommend you get in touch with us as soon as possible to book an emergency appointment.